Alejandra Jean-Mairet

_ Narratives, Visual Art _
} change is the only constant

Landscapes by heart, Tortugas

“The journey starts the night before” 
Gouache on paper
21 x 29,7 cm
Zurich, 2013

As kids and for many years we used to take this journey once a year, every summer.
An 8 hours road trip towards “Tortugas” a beach in the north of Peru.
I did my first one when I wasn’t even 1 month old. And then every year for at least 20 years.
I made these drawings when I was already living in Zurich. It was in one of my drawing sessions, the ‘digging’ ones.

These abstracts forms, the colours, the media, I was doing this journey once again.

Nuestro verbo recordar lleva dentro la palabra corazón.
Viene del bajo latin recordare, que se compone del prefijo re- (‘de nuevo’) y un elemento cordare formado sobre el nombre cor, cordis (corazón).
Antiguamente se creia que el corazón era la sede de la memoria. Encontramos vestigios de esta creencia en nuestro verbo recordar y sus equivalentes en otras lenguas románicas, también en expresiones como estas:
Francés: apprendre par coeur (lit. ‘aprender de corazón’)
Inglés: know by heart (lit. ‘saber de corazón’)

︎︎︎ There is a self-published artist book of this project in an edition of 10, if you are interested, contact me for details. ︎

©2022 _Alejandra Jean-Mairet